Fantasy Football LOSER Trophies



Fantasy Football LOSER Trophies are coveted awards designed specifically for participants who finish in the last place in their fantasy football league. These trophies, often humorous and visually striking, serve as a reminder of the player's unfortunate performance throughout the season. The sought-after fantasy football last place trophy represents a symbol of defeat, bringing laughs and camaraderie within the league. With unique designs and customizable features, these trophies add an element of fun and competition to fantasy football leagues. Whether adorned with a comical figurine or engraved with the league name, fantasy football LOSER trophies are the ultimate acknowledgment of a player's lackluster season.

  • Poop Trophy, Last Place - 4 Inch Tall | 3D Poo Emoji Award Decade Awards

    Poop Trophy, Last Place - 4 Inch Tall

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  • Trash Can Trophy | Engraved Last Place Trophy - 5 Inch Tall Decade Awards

    Trash Can Trophy, Last Place - 5 Inch Tall

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  • Dumpster Fire Trophy | Engraved Last Place Trophy - 4.75 Inch Tall Decade Awards

    Dumpster Fire Trophy - 4.5 Inch Tall

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  • Gold Toilet Bowl Trophy | Engraved Golden Throne Last Place Award - 6 Inch Tall Decade Awards

    Gold Toilet Bowl Trophy - 6 Inch Tall

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